There are 2 stages to adding a new document printer to Caliq.

  1. First install the printer on the Caliq server.
  2. Add the printer to Caliq.

Select System Desk from your menu – this can only be done by someone who has access to system Desk.

F7 Operating Sites

F10 System Printers

F6 New Printer

The following popup will appear



Device Name - Push the Browse button, search and select the printer that was added to the Caliq Server from the list.

Handled By Spooler – This will generally be MAIN, but if you are not sure please contact Caliq Support.

Printer Alias – Give the printer a name, this is the name that will appear in Caliq, eg. Office Printer, Warehouse Printer.

Label Printer – If you are going to print labels to this printer, tick this option.

Select OK

You will now need to stop and start the Caliq Document Spooler Service.

Connect to the Caliq Server via Remote Desktop – if you do not already have a connection speak to your IT provider and ask them to set you up a Remote Desktop Connection to the Caliq Server.

Open up the Services application by typing Services into the search bar

The following will appear on screen

Scroll down until you see the Caliq Document Spooler Service, right click on the service and select Stop.  Once the service has been stopped right click and select Start.

If the service cannot be stopped you will need to do the following.  Right click in the bottom tray on the PC, select Task Manager, you can click on the Name column to sort the list alphabetically.  Scroll and find the Caliq Document Spooler entry, highlight and select End Task.  Now start the service as detailed above.

You can now send prints to the printer.

Operating Sites

If the printer you have installed is for a particular user you need to set up a new operating site in Caliq if they do not already have one.

System Desk

F7 Operating Sites

F6 New Site

Click into the last existing operating site in the grid and hit return.   This will create a new row.

Enter the next ID number for the operating site into the field.

Use right arrow to move to the Site Name column and enter the users name.

F12 Apply Changes

Back out of the screen.

Select the Operating Site from the combo

Highlight Default Printer line in the grid

F5 Add Printer

The following popup appears

Select the printer from the list

Select OK


Back out of the screen

Now select F6 Employees & Users

Find the user in the list and F5 Select User

F5 Edit

Set the Operating Site against the user.

F12 Apply Changes

The user will need to sign out of Caliq and back in, their default operating site will be set by default.