New enhancements to:

  • Retain when a purchase order was last printed.
  • Retain when a purchase order line status was last changed.
  • Allow chasing / re-sending (via email) of Un-Acknowledged purchase orders.
  • Supplier KPI Statistics showing if the supplier acknowledged your purchase order with x days. 

The Purchase Order Header now stores the date the purchase order was last sent to the supplier.

The Purchase Order Lines file now also contain the following new fields and updated if a user changes theses in Purchase Order Desk or Order Progression.

  • Last Status Change
  • Status CNF Date
  • Status ACK Date
  • Last Change User
  • Last Change Date
  • Last Change Time
  • Last Est/Del Date Change
  • Last Req Date Change
  • Last Cost Date Change
  • Last Qty Change

These can be seen as new columns in the Purchase Order Explorer

There are new Purchase Order Explorer selections of:

  • Start/End Purchase order Date
  • Line Status


Un-Acknowledged Purchase Orders sent before x date:

if this option is used then there is an additional new "Emails Purchase Order" button that will re-send via email the purchase orders that are currently showing in the grid to the supplier.

There is also a re-print individual purchase order option as a new option at the bottom, this will email if there is an email address on the supplier other wise print it.


At the bottom of the Selections there is a new Acknowledged KPI button, this will use the same selections but instead show a summarised list of suppliers, hows many purchase order lines and how many they acknowledged back with in x days.

A POMORD.INI configuration file containing how many days before un-acknowledged order show with in the Un-Acknowledged Purchase Orders,  The KPI start date (data was first being logged) and finally the KPI days being now many days does the supplier get before its classed as miss rather than a hit.