As of ATE Version 6.5.1649.6 there is Automatic Column Filtering in Data-Grid's.
By default the column filters try to be a little clever and decides on the column data type and the amount of data what type of filter is enabled
To filter select the columns title tick icon, this will change to a small purple dot if filtered.
Or right click on the data-grid and select “Filter to Value” this will use the data in the cell your right clicked to auto populate the filter.
As it’s a system wide feature controlled at the ATE level the filters are not retained once you leave the data-grid, except the following three programs that I have manually modified to ‘remember the filtered row’ and retain them when you drill down using the button along the bottom, eg. In Order Explorer and select the Stock Desk button and then return back.
ORDGRD.RUN – Sales Order Explorer
STKGRD.RUN – Stock Explorer
POMORD.RUN – Purchase Order Explorer
Automatic Column Filtering is automatically enabled for all users if your server Linux/Ashell is version 6.5.1639.5 or later, it can also be enabled/disable by user.
If your server does not support Ashell 6.5.1639.5 (AIX Servers) then this can be enabled user by user manually in ATE by setting the following OPTIONS=XTAUTOFILTER in c:\ate\miame.ini